
# HalosPlayerSpoofer Utilizes a license key system. Please join discord.gg/halosdev to claim a license key. We will respond in generally 1-10 hours max.
license: key-here

# This is a developer mode, useful for logging
# various aspects of the plugin to console.
debug: true
# Whether the player entity should be shown
# in-game, useful for Hub servers.
show-bot-entity: false

  # If you wish to run Spoof within a proxy,
  # enable this and specify controller settings below.
  proxy-mode: false
  # This is your unique server identifier, this MUST be
  # set if using a proxy - e.g. BungeeCord.
  server-name: server
    # Possible values: SQL, REDIS or NONE
    type: NONE
      url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/spoofer
      username: root
      password: password
      url: redis://localhost:6379
      password: password

max-chatters: 5
chatter-chance: 0.5
metadata-storage: LOCAL

# Disquise the plugin how ever you wish.
# You can Change all the following fields below.
  name: spoofer
  - rexlManu
  version: 1.0.0
  description: Improve the experience for new players on your server
  spoof-command: spoofer

Last updated