🎙️Setup Guide

This page will be the ultimate guide on to how to setup the plugin to fit your server.

Step 1 - Configure Features

First thing first you will need to configure what features you would like enabled or disabled.

##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
##                         FEATURE MANAGER                                  ##
##                  Toggle any feature on/off here                          ##
##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
  Cps: true
  xray: false
  Vanish: true
  Freeze: true
  invsee: true
  helpme: true
  report: true
  staff_mode: true
  inventory_backup: true
  punish_gui: true
  staff_chat: true
  login: true
  web_hooks: true

Halos Staff works like a module base system. Meaning you can turn on and off features you will not want in the plugin

Step 2 - Configure Storage

It is highly recommend that you configure the way the plugin saves data. Since lots of data is being saved and we will want you to understand what the best option for your server is.

##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
##                                Storage                                   ##
##                  Control options related to Storage                      ##
##                                                                          ##
# Valid types: mysql, json.
storage_type: json

# Whether it should debug to console info about saving operations.
debug_console_save: true
  host: "localhost"
  port: 3306
  database: "halosstaff"
  user: "root"
  password: "root"
  players_table: "users"
  reports_table: "reports"
  inventories_table: "inventories"

We currently offer 2 different saving methods. Flat File (json) and mysql db. This that will be saved will be staff position when entering watchover, reports, and inventories. I recommend if you have a mysql available that you use it.

Step 3 - Login settings

To make sure you Staff accounts are secure I recommend that you use a login system for staff members. Our login system is very advanced and makes it so staff only need to log in once. If they need to relog they can do so freely as we bind the ip the staff is on.

##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
##                                Login                                     ##
##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
# Valid options are:
# All: players and staff members.
# Staff_only: players with halosstaff.login permission.
login_targets: staff_only
# for example, if player logins in now, he won't need to login again in 5h no watter how many times he disconnect.
# To disable set this to 0.
login_session_time: 5h
# Notification interval for register/login.
notification_interval: 10s
  min_char_length: 6
  max_char_length: 20
  must_contain_numbers: true
  must_contain_letters: true

The default settings should work perfectly but you can adjust these to your liking.

Step 4 - Configure Vanish Settings

Vanish options are an amazing feature that this plugin has to offer.

# The max number allowed to be in permissions (halosstaff.vanish.see.<number>)
# For example if you set it to 10, you will be able to set permission levels from halosstaff.vanish.see.level.1 to halosstaff.vanish.see.level.10
# And halosstaff.vanish.level.1 to halosstaff.vanish.level.10
vanish_permissions_max_number: 10

In this field you will be allowed to configure what staff members can see other staff members when in vanish. You will need to use your permission plugin and give the perm to staff members accordantly.

# Settings while a player is vanished.
  item_pick_up: true
  item_drop: true
  interact: true
  damage: true
  chat: false
  hangings_break: true
  vehicle_collision: true
  vehicle_destroy: true
  silent_chest_open: true
  avoid_join_quit_message: true
  avoid_collision: true

This is a example of the config on the velocity proxy, It is the same on bungee. Make sure that you set the method the same to as the sub server.

Step 5 - Configure Staff Chat

Being able to communicate privaitly between staff members is a very important aspect into any staff plugin. I highly recommend you take a look here and make adjustments to where you can.

##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
##                                STAFF CHAT                                ##
##                                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
# Should it have separate staff chat server and universal?
# If this is false all chat will be considered universal.
separated_staff_chat: true
universal_staffchat_chat_prefix: "%"
server_staffchat_chat_prefix: "$"
# A universal unique id for the current server.
universal_current_server_id: "server1"

We also offer global staff chat. So If you have multiple servers running the plugin you must change the server id.

Last updated