
Here you will be able to customize messages sent out by HalosPlayerSpoofer

plugin-reloaded: '&7The plugin has been &asuccessfully &7reloaded.'
player-added-manually: '&7A fake player with the name &e%name% &7has been added.'
player-adding-failed: '&cFailed to add the fake player &n%name%&r&c. Reason: &4%reason%'
fake-player-not-found: '&cFake player with the name ''<input>'' not found.'
player-removed-manually: '&7Fake player with the name &e%name% &7has been removed.'
list-fake-players: |2+

  &7Online: %names%
  &eReal: &c%online-players% &e| Fake: &c%fake-online-players% &e| Total: &c%total%
  &eTarget: &c%artificial-player-count% &e| Multi: &c%multiplier% &e| Fixed: &c%fixed-count% &e| Need: &c%missing-players%

fluctuation-module-disabled: '&cThe fluctuation module is disabled.'
fake-player-not-onliine: '&cFake player is not online.'
fluctuation-suspended: '&7The fluctuation has been &csuspended&7.'
fluctuation-resumed: '&7The fluctuation has been &aresumed&7.'
fake-players-cleared: '&7All fake players have been &cremoved&7. &7(&c%count%&7)'
fluctuation-players-dynamic-adding: '&7Dynamic adding of &a%amount% &7fake players
  with a delay of &a%delay% &7seconds.'
fluctuation-players-dynamic-removing: '&7Dynamic removing of &c%amount% &7fake players
  with a delay of &c%delay% &7seconds.'

Last updated