๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟmessages.yml

Main message config file.

# messages.yml for HalosStaffUtilities
# This file is used to configure the messages the plugin.
# Comment out any message here to disable it.
# Note: discord embeds are configurable in config.yml !!!
# Message controllers: Control various premade things of a message:
# add {center} anywhere in a message to make it centered.
# add {noprefix} anywhere in a message to remove prefix from it.
# {prefix}: the plugin doesn't add prefix to messages list, add {prefix} to force it to add prefix.
# {boxed}: Make the message boxed, example usage:
# '{boxed}You have been slain!' will be converted to:
# '&6&m------------------------------------------'
# '          You have been slain             '
# '&6&m------------------------------------------'

prefix: '&e&lHalosStaff &8ยป '
no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to execute that command.'
invalid_player: '&cThis player has never joined the server!'
command_on_cooldown: '&cThis command is on cooldown, please wait %remaining%.'
feature_not_enabled: '&cThis feature is currently disabled.'
player_is_not_online: '&cPlayer must be online.'
# #############################################################################
# #                                Vanish                                    ##
# #############################################################################
vanish_enable: '&aYou are vanished now!'
vanish_disabled: '&aVanish disabled.'
vanish_enabled_other: '&aYou have enabled vanish for %player%.'
vanish_disabled_other: '&aYou have disabled vanish for %player%.'
# #############################################################################
# #                                CPS                                       ##
# #############################################################################
cps_start: '&2Started CPS counter for %player%!'
cps_each_second: '&2%player%''s cps is %cps% last second.'
cps_average: '&2%player% &eCPS: averaged %average% cps, totaling %total_cps%.'
# #############################################################################
# #                                FREEZE                                    ##
# #############################################################################
player_frozen: '&bPlayer %player% has been frozen!'
player_unfrozen: '&bPlayer %player% has been frozen!'
frozen_all: '&bYou have frozen all players!'
unfrozen_all: '&aYou have unfrozen all players!'
you_have_been_frozen: '&cYou have been frozen by %player%!'
you_have_been_unfrozen: '&aYou have been unfrozen by %player%!'
player_frozen_state: '&a%player%''s frozen state: %state%'
- '&6&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '%center%&b&lFrozen Players'
- '%list%'
- '&6&m----------------------------------------------------'
# #############################################################################
# #                                HELP ME                                   ##
# #############################################################################
helpme_alert: '&8[&c&lAlert&8] &e%player% &4&lneeds help!'
helpme_response: '&aStaff members online were alerted that you need help!'
# #############################################################################
# #                                XRAY                                      ##
# #############################################################################
xray_toggle: '&aYou toggled xray alerts %xray_state%.'
xray_alert: '&8[&c&lAlert&8] &e%player% broke a %block%.'
report_submitted: '&aYour report of %player% has been submitted, we apologize for
  your unsatisfying experience.'
report_alert: '&8[&c&lAlert&8] &e%player% has reported &c%target% &efor &b%reason%.'
report_deleted: '&cYou have deleted this report.'
report_cannot_report_yourself: '&cYou cannot report yourself!'
# #############################################################################
# #                                STAFF MODE                                ##
# #############################################################################
staffmode_activated: '&aStaff mode is activated.'
staffmode_deactivated: '&cStaff mode deactivated.'
random_teleport: '&6Teleporting to %player%...'
random_teleport_not_found: '&cYou are the only one online, or there is an error.'
# #############################################################################
# #                                INV BACKUP                                ##
# #############################################################################
inventory_rollback: '&aYour inventory has been rolled back to %backup_date%.'
inventory_rollback_successful: '&aYou rolled back %player%''s inventory to %backup_date%.'
inventory_backup_now: '&6Backing up %player%''s inventory, this may take a while.'
viewing_backup: '&6Viewing backup inventory.'
# #############################################################################
# #                                PUNISH GUI                                ##
# #############################################################################
punishgui_custom_duration_reason: '&aPlease respond in this format: &7[duration] <reason>
  &aor &7''cancel'' &ato cancel.'
punishgui_custom_reason: '&aPlease respond in this format: &7<reason> &aor &7''cancel''
  &ato cancel.'
punishgui_custom_cancel: '&c&lCanceled.'
# #############################################################################
# #                                STAFF CHAT                                ##
# #############################################################################
universal_staffchat_message: '{noprefix}&a&lStaff Chat &8ยป %sender% &8[&7%sender_server%&8]:
server_staffchat_message: '{noprefix}&a&lStaff Chat &8ยป %sender%: &7%message%'
# #############################################################################
# #                                LOGIN                                     ##
# #############################################################################
you_need_to_login_before_chat: '&cYou to login before you can chat!'
you_need_to_login_before_commands: '&cYou to login before you can execute commands!'
you_need_to_register_before_login: '&cYou need to register your account before logging
  in! /register <password> <password again>.'
- '&c&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '{center}&cWelcome! &4Please register your account to protect it with &b/register
  <password> <password again>'
- '{center}&4the password must be 8-20 character long and must contain letters and
- '&c&m----------------------------------------------------'
register_notification: '&cYou need to register before you can move, chat or execute
  commands! Please run /register <password> <password again>.'
login_welcome: '&6&lWelcome back! &4Please login with &b/login <password>.'
login_notification: '&cYou need to login before you can move, chat or execute commands!
  Please run /login <password>.'
register_fail_password_mismatch: '&c&lFailed to register! &cThe second password doesn''t
  match the first one!'
- '&c&m----------------------------------------------------'
- '{center}&c&lFailed to login! &cPassword is incorrect.'
- '{center}&7If you forgot your password, please visit our discord and create a support
- '{center}&7To reset your password. discord link: discord.gg/myserver'
- '&c&m----------------------------------------------------'
register_successful: '&a&lSuccessfully registered! &aNext time you join you will just
  need to login, please write this password down somewhere to remember it!'
login_successful: '&a&lSuccessfully logged in! &aYou can now move, chat and execute
  commands. &6&lHave fun!'
already_registered: '&cYou are already registered! Please log in.'
already_logged_in: '&cYou are already logged in!'
password_too_short: '&cThe password is too short! It must be at least %min% char long.'
password_too_long: '&cThe password is too long! It must be no more %max% char long.'
password_other_conditions_not_met: '&cThe password must contain letters and numbers.'

Last updated