🎙️Setup Guide

This page will be the ultimate guide on to how to setup the plugin to fit your server.

Step 1 - Configure Security Features

First thing that I highly recommend that you do to keep the plugin hidden is change the plugins details. The configuration option can be found in the config.yml .

plugin_info: # Modify plugin information
  name: "HalosPlayerSpoof" # Name that appears when using /plugins
  authors: [ "HalosDev" ] # Author that appears when using /version
  version: "1.0.0" # Version that appears when using /version
  command_proxy: "spoof" # Change the name of the main plugin command

Step 2 - Configure Fluctuation

Fluctuation will be the backbone to how the plugin works and spoofs your player counts. The configuration config may be a little tricky to get correct for your server.

  # Available types: NAMEMC, LOCAL
  type: NAMEMC
  # This URL is ONLY relevant if your using namemc account generator.
  url: https://api.namemc.com/server/mc.hypixel.net/likes
min-delay: 5
max-delay: 30
max-fake: 50
# Define how many real players need to be online before fluctuation will start.
# If set to -1 it will always run.
min-real-players: -1
# Customize LifeSpan.
# How long a fake player will stay on the server before leaving.
# Numbers are in mins here.
min-lifespan: 5
max-lifespan: 10

This field is very important. This will control min and max of spoof players on your server. The percentages will fluctuate in between and will not go under or over.

max-fake: 50

This setting will determine at what real player count will flucation turn on. If you have a smaller server I suggest you do 1-5. Bigger servers you can do more.

min-real-players: -1

Step 3 - Configure Ping Module

Setting the ping will make your spoof players look more legit when looked at from the tab list. So it is make sure you set them correctly.

    enabled: true
      delay-min: 10
      delay-max: 25
      ping-min: 50
      ping-max: 150

Step 4 - Configure Ranks Module

The ranks module is a very important module to have configured. So that spoofed players will have ranks to match the real players on your server.

enabled: true
min-delay: 30
max-delay: 60
persistent-ranks: true
  default: 100

Step 5 - Network Player Count Sync

This step is only needed if your server runs bungeecord or velocity network setup. If you run a standalone server then this is not for you.

Start by putting the jar on your bungeecord or velocity server. Yes.. it will work on bungeecord and velocity, Halos Player Spoofer is just insane.

Then in the configuration on the spigot server ensure that this setting is set to true.

  # If you wish to run Spoof within a proxy,
  # enable this and specify controller settings below.
  proxy-mode: true

On the spigot server set the server Id to what you have it in the bungee cord configurations so if your server name is "survival" in the velocity/bungeecord config it must be exactly that in the server id field in the plugin.

  # This is your unique server identifier, this MUST be
  # set if using a proxy - e.g. BungeeCord.
  server-id: Test

Then after you have done this you must select what sync method works for you. Check below for the methods we offer and a example on the configuration.

MYSQL DB Setup Example

Spigot Server

    # Possible values: SQL, REDIS or NONE
    type: SQL
      url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/spoofer
      username: root
      password: password

Bungee/velocity Server

  # Possible values: SQL, REDIS or NONE
  type: SQL
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/spoofer
    username: root
    password: password

Redis Setup Example

If you are using redis you need to fill in the details of your Redis server.

Spigot Server

  # Possible values: SQL, REDIS or NONE
  type: REDIS
    url: redis://loca1host:6379
    password: password

Bungee/Velocity Server

  # Possible values: SQL, REDIS or NONE
  type: REDIS
    url: redis://loca1host:6379
    password: password

Regardless of what setup you do you need to turn on proxy mode and identify a server id for both to work.

Last updated